Corporate governance

Corporate governance

We act to have in place an appropriate corporate governance framework with respect to the work of the Board of Directors. This is carried out while adhering to the highest professional standards, having in place proper decision-making processes, ongoing controls and reliable reports to internal and external functions

As part of enhancing the quality of its corporate governance, Clal Insurance and Finance Group has in place a training program for serving directors focusing on its different areas of business and of the law applicable to the Group and its directors. The program is adapted to the director’s function. In addition, the Group ensured to have in place a supplementary program for training serving directors; this program includes, among other things, conferences, lectures and educational computer programs pertaining to the above-mentioned areas. This serves to maintain the high professional standards adhered to by the Board of Directors

The Company also holds annual enforcement conferences in order to help its directors and managers to implement its compliance policy and internal enforcement plans

לפתיחת רשימה לחץ אנטר יש להשתמש בחיצי המקלדת לשינוי הערך ש להקליד את שם היישוב ולעבור באמצעות חצי המקלדת בין היישובים המתאימים ברשימה ולבחור את היישוב באמצעות מקש ה-Enter